Skill Level: Beginner & Intermediate
Find Meaningful & Well Paid Remote Work
Learn how to expertly leverage remote work platforms like Upwork and others to consistently find well paid and meaningful work as a freelancer. Discover how to charge a higher rate, spend less time finding work and maximize the likelihood you get hired. This free workshop is suited to both beginner and experienced freelancers.
What People Will Learn:
– Learn how to create and optimize your remote work profile based on what actually working for experts in your niche
– Learn how to get automated and instant notifications about meaningful remote work opportunities before anyone else-
– Learn how to efficiently send proposals that turn prospective clients into warm leads without wasting your time
About The Speaker:
Robert O’Kruk is one of the leading educators and coaches for digital nomads and remote workers. He’s been privately trained by Google in Canada and has been part of the Upwork Pro Sales & Marketing team as well as their Top Rated freelancer program.
He is the founder of the 8,500+ member digital nomads community, the Digital Nomads Forum and is also the founder of the Mindful Nomads Retreat, a mindfulness and remote work lifestyle based educational program.
Robert is focused on bridging the gap between working remotely and mindfulness. His goal is to help educate, inspire and empower remote workers to live purposeful, meaningful and happy lives.
#### Event Registration Instructions ####
Open to public only. Limited to 50 spots. If you want to join this event, please register at the Dojo Front Desk or send us an email to