

Inspiration, Knowledge & Networking

Hack Your Brain!

Skill Level:
Beginner to Intermediate
Understand how your brain works and hack your brain to rule your life!
If you ever procrastinated, been jealous, or had a hard time following your goals: THIS talk will give a biological excuse why not to feel bad, and a tool to change it. Adam shows us why our behavioural and emotional patterns are leading us to lose the control when we need it the most, and how to get it back. Just by understanding the way our brain works: you can start ruling your life again, through following 3 easy- but crucial steps on the way hacking your brain.
What People Will Learn:
* why do we lose control? and how to get back?
* how our brain ruled by previous patterns
* how your reality is shaped by feedbacks
About the speaker:
Ádám Molnár combines engineering with psychology to create tools that people can use to make their lives happier. He is an ambivert energy bomb from Budapest, freelance crazy dancer in Dojo parties, change making TEDx speaker; entrepreneur and a digital nomad on the way to change the world while having impostor syndrome and talking about it. Say hi at adam@molnar.pro.
### Event Registration Instructions ####
This event is for free and open to public. Limited to 50 place. If you want to join this event, please register at the Dojo Front Desk or send us an email to rsvp@dojobali.org
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Dojo Bali is a coworking space located on the beautiful island of Bali, Indonesia. Dojo Canggu is open 24/7 and located at Echo Beach, Canggu offering a collaborative and relaxing coworking environment. New locations are coming soon. Stay tuned to find out where the next Dojo will be set up.

Dojo Bali is a Registered Trademark and under license of PT Mintox, Indonesia
PT Dojo Bali Coworking Registration No: AHU-3570685.AH.01.11.TAHUN 2015

